
Message from the Editorial Board

About the new international journal, “Translational and Regulatory Sciences (TRS)”

With the cooperation of the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), The University of Tokyo, the Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (NIBIOHN), etc., we have now established an e-Journal namedTranslational and Regulatory Sciences (TRS). The Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), the National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS), and Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (JPMA) will also support TRS.

TRS is an international peer-reviewed e-Journal with an entirely new concept of handling Translational Sciences and Regulatory Sciences. Translational Sciences (TS) is different from Translational Research (TR). TS is a division of Biomedical Sciences designed to maintain the efficiency and speed of TR. It is our hope that TS will pioneer medical research that supports and leads to further developments in TR.

In recent years, medications have diversified from small-molecule drugs to include medium-molecule drugs, nucleic acid drugs, and even antibody drugs. In addition, tools such as medical devices and cell therapies including iPS and stem cells are also becoming increasingly diverse. Evaluating the safety, accuracy, and efficiency of research in the field of Regulatory Sciences (RS) is highly important. For the purpose, open discussion and fusion within the field of drug discovery research is essential. TRS is a journal with the objective to provide “the place for the forum.” In addition, we hope that the articles published in TRS will operate as a strict evaluator of the efficacy and safety of new drugs coming into the market in and around the country.

TRS is not an international agency magazine of a certain academic society. As previously mentioned, academic institutions, national research institutes, and private companies will continue to support and expand TRS, which in turn will lead to the establishment of academic societies throughout Japan, allowing it to lead the field in the near future.

We are waiting for numerous original papers, columns, and review posts.

From the Editorial Board